


  英 语



  1. 答卷前,考生务必用黑色字迹的钢笔或签字笔将自己的姓名和考生号、考场号、座位号填写在答题卡上。 用2B 铅笔将试卷类型(A)填涂在答题卡相应位置上。将条形码横贴在答题卡右上角“条形码粘贴处”。

  2. 选择题每小题选出答案后,用2B铅笔把答题卡上对应题目选项的答案信息点涂黑:如需改动,用橡皮擦干 净后,再选涂其他答案。答案不能答在试卷上。

  3. 非选择题必须用黑色字迹的钢笔或签字笔作答,答案必须写在答题卡各题目指定区域内相应位置上:如需改 动,先划掉原来的答案,然后再写上新的答案;不准使用铅笔和涂改液。不按以上要求作答的答案无效。

  4. 考生必须保持答题卡的整洁。考试结束后,将试卷和答题卡一并交回。

  I. 补全对话(5小题,共10分)

  例 :M:How's everything going?

  W:Fine,thanks. How are you doing?


  A.I'm 16 B.Yes, it is good C.See you then D.Oh,not too bad


  ( )1.M:How about seeing a movie tonight?

  W:Sure. ?

  M: Can we meet at eight?

  A. Who else B.Where

  C. what time D.How

  ( )2.W:I am taking my English test next week.


  A.Good luck B.Great idea

  C. Congratulations D.Take care

  ( )3.M: ,could you tell me how to go to the station?

  W:Go straight down this street, and turn left when you see a traffic light.

  A.I' m sorry B. Excuse me

  C.Never mind D. Come on

  ( )4.W:Please give my best wishes to your grandparents.

  M: . Thank you.

  A.I will B.You are welcome

  C.I think so D.I hope not

  ( )5.W: Tom, I'm hungry.

  M: . How about going to McDonald's?

  A.I hope so B.Not at all

  C.No,thanks D.Me,too


  A)从A、B、C、D 中选出句中画线的单词或词组的意义。

  例:We had enough time to do the work.

  A.很短的 B.一半的 C.很长的 D.足够的

  ( )6.Lots of people don t bother to go through a wedding these days.

  A.费事 B.喜欢 C.希望 D.努力

  ( )7.A knock on the door Interrupted their discussion.

  A.覆溢 B.继续 C.冲击 D.打断

  ( )8.Tom's real problem is that he lacks confidence

  A.找回 B.增强 C.缺乏 D.喜欢

  ( )9.She is working hard to catch up with the rest of the class.

  A.抓住 B.赶上 C.取悦 D.超越

  ( )10.There was a large advertisement for the concert.

  A.照片 B.彩排 C.展览 D.广告

  ( )11.She was asked to account for the missing money.

  A.计算 B.解释 C.找回 D.赔偿

  ( )12.Someone has carelessly left a window open

  A.粗心地 B.故意地 C.盲目地 D.公开地

  ( )13.This information is available on the Internet.

  A.可避免的 B.可相信的 C.可忽略的 D.可找到的

  ( )14.According to the contract, the project should have been finished yesterday.

  A.合同 B.裁决 C.要求 D.规定

  ( )15.Bananas are sold by weight.

  A.数量 B.等级 C.重量 D.体积

  B)从A、B、C、D 中选出可以填入空白处的最佳答案。

  例: It me a long time to finish my homework last night.

  A.take B.took C.has taken D.had taken


  ( )16.That is. classroom where we had lessons last year.

  A.a B.the C.an D./

  ( )17.Jack has lost some weight he started doing exercise.

  A.since B.if C.until D.although

  ( )18.Sunshine,as well as water needed to make plants grow.

  A is what B.are C.is D.are that

  ( )19.I don' t have my new photos at hand, but I'l later.

  A.show you to them B. show them you

  C. show them to you D. be shown you

  ( )20. the students agreed that the lecture was good.

  A.Every B.All C.Each D.Some

  ( )21.She was busy her homework

  A.with B.at C. for D.to

  ( )22.He getting his book published at last.

  A handed B. got C. put D.succeeded

  ( )23. It was, that he couldn't finish it by himself.

  A.a so difficult job B.such a difficult job

  C. so a difficult job D.such difficult a job

  ( )24.He was warned oily food after the operation.

  A. to not eat B. eating not C. not eating D.not to eat

  ( )25.If she. tell her I'll call her back tonight.

  A.calling B.will call C.calls D.called

  Ⅲ .完形填空(15小题,共30分)


  Led by their king, a group of birds flew south. One day,they flew a long distance searching for food and were 26.The bird king encourage them to fly a little 27. They picked up speed and soon found some rice under a tree.So all the birds landed and began to 28.

  Suddenly a net fell over them and they were all 29.They saw a hunter coming with a gun. The birds tried very hard to 30 ,but failed. The king had an idea. He advised all the birds to fly up together carrying

  the net with them.

  Each bird picked up a part of the net and together they 31 with the net. The hunter looked up in 32.He tried to follow them, but they were flying 33 over hills and valleys. They flew to a temple (寺庙)on a hill where there was a mouse. He was a 34 friend of the bird king.The mouse went into 35 when he heard the loud noise of the birds. The bird king 36 and kindly called out to him. He came out and was 37 to see his friend. The bird king 38 that they had been caught in a net and needed the mouse's 39 to bite the net

  with his teeth.

  The mouse began to bite the net and all the birds were 40 one by one.

  ( )26.A.tired B.regretful C.astonished D.nervous

  ( )27.A.lower B.better C. further D.closer

  ( )28.A.drink B. rest C.fight D. eat

  ( )29.A.separated B. caught C.united D.killed

  ( )30.A.get out B. look out C. work out D. stand out

  ( )31.A.landed B. flew off C. managed D.rolled off

  ( )32.A.fear B. agreement C. confidence D. surprise

  ( )33.A regularly B. suddenly C. directly D.aimlessly

  ( )34.A.true B.new C. funny D.strange

  ( )35.Alaughing B. hiding C.searching D.dancing

  ( )36.A.proudly B.secretly C. politely D. bravely

  ( )37.A.frightened B.satisfied C.bored D.delighted

  ( )38.A.explain B.determined C.announced D.suggested

  ( )39.A.decision B. help C.strength D.knowledge

  ( )40.A counted B.cured C.attacked D.freed





  A few years ago, my husband got a job offer from an American company, so I had to give up everything I had in Greece and moved to the United States with him. Starting a new life as a housewife isn't easy for me, but I manage to get by with all my skills.I feel proud of myself.I feel I am a good person with much to offer, But I have to admit that I' m a little afraid of looking in the eyes of the people I meet. It is a doubtful look which suggests that I am not an able woman. After a long time of receiving this look,I start to doubt if I can really handle my life here.

  One day, my boy brought home a piece of paper from school.I worried it would be something bad. After reading this paper many times, I thought it said that my son was not going to be allowed to stay in

  the school.

  Something inside me broke up. Maybe it was the pain of leaving my parents and friends in Greece. Maybe it was all the worries about our life and work here. I don't know what it was, but I went crying like a crazy woman out of the house to the school to tell them that my son was a good boy, and that he had to learn many things.

  Somebody took me to the schoolmaster's office. He had no idea what I was saying, Perhaps I was speaking Greek then. I don't remember. Maybe he was worried I was sick. They called my husband at work.He was very worried when he came and then he became very angry. Actually they did not want to throw my son out of the school. The piece of paper said that they were putting him in a higher class.

  ( )41.What's the author's opinion about herself?

  A.She is nice to look at.

  B.She is a woman of abilities.

  C.She is a patient housewife.

  D. she is proud of her son.

  ( )42.The author is afraid of looking in the eyes of the people because

  A.they don't see her as an able woman

  B.life in Greece was too difficult for her

  C. she doesn't't have all the necessary skills

  D. she is a housewife depending on her husband

  ( )43.The underlined sentence in Paragraph 3 indicates that the author had

  A.difficulties with her job

  B. the fear of leaving her parents

  C. worries about her situation

  D.the need to move to a new house

  ( )44.What happened after the author went to the schoolmaster's office?

  A.She had a quarrel with the schoolmaster.

  B. Her husband was called to the school.

  C. She made the schoolmaster angry.

  D. She got another paper for her son.

  ( )45.We can learn from the last paragraph that

  A. the father was very angry with the school

  B.the son was studying in a higher class

  C. the son was asked to leave the school

  D. the author misunderstood the paper


  Most children want a bigger allowance(零花钱)than they receive. In order to get more money,they tell their parents that their friends get more than they do.But they aren't usually telling the truth.A research shows that most children in Canada receive very small amounts of money. And parents often tell their children how to spend their allowances.

  According to the research, boys under the age of eight receive more money than girls of the same age. Maybe this is because they shout louder than girls. But 8-to- 12-year-old girls get more money than boys of the same age, perhaps because they are more mature(成熟).Rich parents usually give their children bigger allowances than other parents.

  Surprisingly, an only child does not receive more than a child of similar age in a larger family. children who receive the biggest allowances for their age are younger brothers and sisters. They receive more money than children of the same age who are either the only children or the oldest in the family. This is probably because they are always comparing their allowances to what their older brothers and sisters get.

  Children still receive money for housework. The most common jobs are cleaning their rooms and washing the dishes. Other common jobs are taking out the rubbish, setting the table, and feeding the cat. One mother said her 10-year-old son received $10 a week, but that she gave him an extra $5 if he woke up and went to school in a good state of feeling. She said it was very successful.

  Many parents worry about their children's spending. One mother gives her 10-year-old son only $4 a week because he spends all his money on candy.A father said he gave his 15-year-old daughter only $2 a week because he was afraid that she would buy unhealthy food. But generally, parents have very few rules for the spending of 12-to- 15-year-olds and no rules for over- 15-year-olds. They should be old enough to

  decide for themselves what to spend their money on.

  ( )46.According to the passage,children sometimes lie to their parents in order to

  A.get more pocket money

  B. make more friends

  C.learn how to spend money

  D.learn about parents'love

  ( )47.According to the research, parents in larger families

  A.often shout loud to their daughters

  B. care more about children under eight

  C. wish their children to be more mature

  D. give their children different allowances

  ( )48.Who probably gets a bigger allowance from parents?

  A. The older brother,

  B. The only child.

  C. The younger sister.

  D.The older sister.

  ( )49.What can we learn from Paragraph 4?

  A. Children do housework only for money.

  B.Children do various kinds of housework.

  C. Children are happy with their housework.

  D. Children get a big allowance by doing housework.

  ( )50.Children over 12 don't have many rules for spending their allowances because they

  A.don't like candy any more

  B. see some food as unhealthy

  C. know the value of health

  D.can make their own decisions


  Nowadays more and more people stop using plastic straws (吸管) .The waste created by plastic straws is unbelievable. In the United States alone, 500 million straws are thrown away every day. That's

  enough straws to wrap around the earth 2.5 times each day.

  Realizing the serious pollution caused by plastic straws, people are beginning to tell restaurant servers not to bring straws. Starting this summer, Seattle will stop using plastic straws in all businesses that sell food and drinks. Scotland plans to be plastic-straw-free by the end of 2019.

  In response(响应), McDonald's is providing paper straws in its 1, 300 stores in the UK, but customers have to ask for them.They won't go with each drink. The change from plastic to paper is a test to see how people respond to the change. If it's successful in the UK, McDonald's may do the same in other countries

  as well.

  Used plastic straws are usually thrown away along the side of roads and in our oceans. They aren't the biggest polluter of our waterways, but they can be deadly to fish and birds. Their size makes them easy for

  lives in the sea to eat.

  The paper straw is not the only choice, but it's certainly a good solution. However, if you like to use straws, you can avoid those for one-time use with a little planning. Bamboo, glass and metal are also used to make reusable straws. You can carry it with you for those times when you want to use a drinking straw.

  ( )51 From Paragraph 1, we know that the author

  A.expects Americans to stop using plastic straws

  B. wants to show serious the problem is

  C. plans to wrap the earth with straws

  D.cares little about plastic pollution

  ( )52.What does the underlined word they in Paragraph 3 refer to?

  A. Restaurant servers.


  C.Paper straws.


  ( )53.If British people accept paper straws,McDonald's may

  A.reuse more plastic straws

  B.carry out a test on the change

  C. provide paper straws in its UK stores

  D. promote paper straws in other countries

  ( )54.The plastic straws can do great harms to sea life because of its


  B. shape



  ( )55.The passage is probably taken from a magazine about








  The central African country of Cameroon has a population of 24 million.About 12% of all deaths in this country 56 (cause) by heart disease,but there are only about 50 heart doctors. 57(luck),things are changing for the better due to wide use of Cardio-Pad, an 58(invent) by Mr.Puluet.

  Mr.Puluet grew up in a small village and 59(dream)of becoming a doctor when he was little.the idea of Cardio-Pad began 60 he met a doctor working in the city.61 doctor said that village patients chose to make expensive and 62(danger)journeys to the city hospitals. Then Mr.Puluet decided 63(design) a tool for village doctors so that they could send the heart pictures 64 doctors in the city.

  His design is a great 65(succeed).The Cardio-Pad is now being used in five African countries.



  66.He explained the reasons why (他没做作业)

  67.In her e-mail, Mary. (感谢Tom 对她的帮助)

  68.It is said that john (在那个房子里住了两年)

  69.Tomorrow he will go to the railway station (为朋友送行)

  70. (她没赶上那班飞机) because of the traffic jam.


  71. 【写作内容】你是李华,想参加学校下学期的英语才艺大赛(English Talent Show)。 请你用英语写

  一封信给你的外教 Mr.Smith,表达你想参加比赛的愿望,介绍你在英语方面的才能,并请他给予指导。

  【写作要求】正文约40个英文单词,文中不可出现你自己的真实姓名、学校等信息。 【评分标准】信息完整,语言规范,语篇连贯。

  2020年广东省高等职业院校招收中等职业学校毕业生考试 英语(参考答案)

  题 目 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

  答案 C A B A D A D C B D

  题 目 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20

  答案 B A D D C B A C C B

  题 目 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30

  答案 A D B D C A C D B A

  题 目 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40

  答案 B D C B B C D A B D

  题 目 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50

  答案 B A C B D A D C B D

  题 目 51 52 53 54 55

  答案 B C D A C

  56.are cause 57.Luckily 58.invention 59.dreamt/dreamed 60.when

  61. The 62.dangerous 63.to design 64.to 65.success

  66. he didn't do homework

  67 thanked Tom for helping her

  68.has lived in that house for two years

  69.to see his friend off

  70.She didn't catch that flight


  Dear Mr.Smith,

  Having known that there's going to be an English Talent Show at school next term, I'm writhing to express my will to take part in the show.

  hard and successfully passed the College English Test Bank 4, what s more, Ive got a good knowledge of presentation skills in English, I would greatly appreciate it if I would have the chance to take part in the show, and it would be my great honor if you could give me some advice both on the show and on my English.

  I'm looking forward to hearing from you soon.


