


  英 语



  1. 答卷前,考生务必用黑色字迹的钢笔或签字笔将自己的姓名和考生号、考场号、座位号填写在答题卡上。 用2B铅笔将试卷类型(A)填涂在答题卡相应位置上。将条形码横贴在答题卡右上角“条形码粘贴处”。

  2. 选择题每小题选出答案后,用2B铅笔把答题卡上对应题目选项的答案信息点涂黑:如需改动,用橡皮擦干 净后,再选涂其他答案。答案不能答在试卷上。

  3. 非选择题必须用黑色字迹的钢笔或签字笔作答,答案必须写在答题卡各题目指定区域内相应位置上:如需改 动,先划掉原来的答案,然后再写上新的答案;不准使用铅笔和涂改液。不按以上要求作答的答案无效。

  4. 考生必须保持答题卡的整洁。考试结束后,将试卷和答题卡一并交回。

  I. 补全对话(5小题,共10分)

  例 :M:How's everything going ?

  W:Fine,thanks. How are you doing?


  A.I'm 16 B. Yes, it is good C.See you then D.Oh,not too bad


  ( )1.M:Sorry,I'm late, Mrs.Smith.


  A. That's all right B.You are welcome C.Oh, come on D.Oh,dear

  ( )2.W:Hello, may I speak to Bob?


  A.Yes,you are right

  C.Yes,I'm fine

  B.Yes, Bob speaking

  D.Yes, he is Bob

  ( )3.M:Hi, Susan, can you show me the photos?

  W: ,Here you are.

  A.Sure B.Thanks C. That's it D.Go ahead

  ( )4.M: ,Madam?

  W:I' d like to buy a skirt.

  A. What can I do for you B.How are you

  C. What's the matter D.What happened

  ( )5.W:Hi,Tom! I called you yesterday morning, but no one answered the phone.


  A. Never mind B.Don't worry

  C.I'm sorry D. Take it easy


  A) 从 A,B,C,D 中选出句中画线的单词或词组的意义.

  例: We had enough time to do the word.

  A. 很短的 B.一半的 B.很长的 D.足够的


  ( )6.They lived in a big crowded city.

  A.开放的 B.现代的 C.拥挤的 D.脏乱的

  ( )7.When he was twenty-five, John bought a house and get married.

  A.结婚 B.搬家 C.庆祝 D.居住

  ( )8.When Molly was eight years old,Helen came to live in the house opposite to hers.

  A.在……前面 B.在……后面 C.在……下面 D.在……对面

  ( )9.Mrs.Green traveled a lot and she wasn't afraid of taking a plane.

  A.欣赏 B.喜欢 C.害怕 D.盼望

  ( )10.It is interesting that a small child can sing a song without understanding its meaning fully.

  A.部分地 B.悄悄地 C.仓促地 D.完全地

  ( )11.How did it come about that the car fell into the river?

  A.出来 B.发生 C.失败 D. 到达

  ( )12.Nobody could persuade her to change her mind.

  A.强迫 B.帮助 C.说服 D.阻止

  ( )13.A red light is a signal of danger.

  A.信号 B.图案 C.景象 D.签名

  ( ) 14.The First World War broke out in 1914.

  A.结 束 B.爆发 C.升级 D.失败

  ( )15.There seems to be no solution to the problem.

  A.解决办法 B.最终结论 C.不明原因 D.发展过程

  B) 从 A,B,C,D 中选出可以填入空白处的最佳答案.

  例: It me a long time to finish my homework last night.

  A.take B.took C.has taken D.had taken

  答 案 是B.

  ( )16.John is holiday in France,

  A.In B.on



  ( )17.I asked two people the way to the station but of them knew.

  A.either B.both C. neither D. none

  ( )18.I had a banana and an apple, and I gave banana to Mary.

  A.a B.an C./ D.the

  ( )19.Let's do it right now, ?

  A. will you B. shall we C. don't you D. don't we

  ( ) 20.I haven't seen her for

  A. such long time B.So long time C. such a long time D.so a long time

  ( )21.This question is my ability.

  A.beyond B.in C.beside D.with

  ( )22.It's time for him home.

  A. goes B. will go C. going D.to go

  ( )23.He in London since he was a child

  A.lives B.lived C. has lived D. was living

  ( )24.Peter couldn't come to the party, disappointed us.

  A.that B. who C. what D.which

  ( )25.The baby after his father.

  A.is naming B. was named C. was naming D.has named



  I only knew two words of Chinese("hello" and "thank you ") when I came to China in 2009.As you can probably 26, my life was difficult for a while after I arrived.Simple tasks like 27 food or taking a taxi were quite28.

  I knew I had to learn more Chinese, so I attended Chinese classes. Although my 29 was very helpful,I didn't learn enough to have a real conversation. Later, I studied on my own as well,but my progress was still 30.I became very disappointed but I never gave up.

  31 I found that the best 32 of learning Chinese is to make friends with native speakers and spend

  time with them. Around this time,I 33 a Chinese woman in a music group, who became one of my best fiends in Beijing. I learned a lot of Chinese from her. For example, she taught me lots of 34 about music,like "melody". She learned a lot of English from me 35 So this was a good language and culture 36.

  I've learned enough Chinese to 37 some tasks, such as booking train tickets and speaking with my landlord(房东).38 a few complicated(复杂的)tasks, like visits to the bank and anything else that needs technical terms, are still 39 for me.

  These days, there are more foreigners than ever who are studying Chinese. I can understand why.

  It's an interesting language, and there are always new words waiting to be 40.

  ( )26.A.forget B.meet C.guess D.discuss

  ( )27.A.ordering B.cooking C.eating D.delivering

  ( )28.A.interesting B.stressful C.important D.useful

  ( )29.A.boss B.family C.driver D.teacher

  ( )30.A.slow B.certain C.satisfying D.endless

  ( )31.A.Hopefully B.Finally C.Usually D.Helpfully

  ( )32.A.part B.chance C.result D.way

  ( )33.A.hurt B.introduced C.met D.saved

  ( )34.A.words B.manners C.skills D.stories

  ( )35.A.in order B.in public C.as usual D.as well

  ( )36.A.exchange B.use C.form D.material

  ( )37.A.know of B.carry out C.give out D.think of

  ( )38.A.Therefore B.Besides C.However D.Then

  ( )39.A.attractive B.funny C.boring D.hard

  ( )40.A.chosen B.spelt C.learned D.written




  I have been working at a public high school for over ten years. Though I always teach students of the seventh grade, I never feel tired of that. Over the first few weeks of every school year, my most imporant job is geting to know well about those little strangers in my class discovering their personal wishes and learning about their former study and life experiences. For me this getting-to-know-you process is a very important part of my teaching, and I have developed many ways to "research" my students, including parent questionnaire (问卷) and students'letters of self-introduction.

  I like to give out parent questionnaire.These questionnaire are useful for me to learn about my

students' lives at home. From these questionnaire, I learn much about my students as well as their parents.

  Another way to "research" my students is to read their letters of self-introduction. I always ask each student to write me a letter as the first piece of homework. They need to tell me all about themselves.I share with them my letter of self-introduction as an example. And I make sure my students know that I really want to learn about them so that I can help them in the best way.

  These getting-to-know-you activities, which last a whole year, are just the beginning of a long process for me to know about my students. I never take the first impressions as the final ones. Instead,I

  keep "researching" my students during the rest of the year in all possible ways.

  ( )41.We can lear from Paragraph 1 that the author

  A.loves to learn about his students B. works at a primary school

  C. feels tired of teaching students D.chooses to teach seventh-traders

  ( )42.The author thinks that the parent questionnaire helps to

  A.get students' home addresses B. give students" parents a test

  C. understand students'learning styled D.learn about the students'family life

  ( )43.Which of the following is true about the student letter of self-introduction?

  A.It should be completed in class.

  B. It tells mainly about the student's parents.

  C.It's the student's first piece of homework.

  D.It helps the student learn about the teacher.

  ( )44.According to the last paragraph, the getting-to know-you activities

  A. stop after the first few weeks B.last for twelve months

  C. leave students with good impressions D. help students do research

  ( )45.What is the best title for the passage?

  A. Working at a Public School

  B.Getting to Know My Students

  C.How to Design Parent questionnaire

  D.How to Write a Self-introduction Letter


  Galileo Galilei was bor in 1564. He was born in the town of Pisa, in what is now Italy. When he was 20 years old, he was studying in Pisa. Galileo was bored with school. The only subject he really liked was math. Because he was doing well in math, the court mathematician(数学家)offered to teach him privately. He said Galileo could become an excellent mathematician. However, Galileo's father wanted him to be a doctor.

  Because he needed to earn money after leaving school, Galileo began experimenting with different things. He tried to come up with an invention he could sell for money. He had some success with one invention. It was a device that could be used to measure land.

  He learned that a Dutch inventor had invented something called spyglass ( 小 望 远 镜 ) .Galileo decided to work out one of his own. Within 24 hours, he invented telescope(望远镜).It could make things appeal ten times larger.One night, he pointed his telescope toward the sky. He made his first of many space observations. Everyone thought the moon was smooth. Galileo saw that it wasn't. The moon was covered in hills and large holes.

  As technology improved, Galileo and many others made improvements on the telescope. Today, the

  telescope is a wonderful device that lets us see objects far, far away.

  ( )46.According to Paragraph 1,Galileo was ·

  A. interested in math B.interested in medicine

  C. born in an inventor' family D.born in a mathematician's family

  ( )47.What did the father expect Galileo to be?

  A.A doctor. B.A teacher.

  C.An inventor. D.A mathematician.

  ( )48.Galileo invented a device to

  A. test others'inventions

  C.do experiments

  B. make his father happy

  D. measure land

  ( )49.What made Galileo want to invent his own telescope?

  A.His father' expectation. B.His desire to be famous.

  C. The invention of spyglass. D. The encouragement from his teacher.

  ( )50.What can we learn about Galileo's telescope according to the passage?

  A.It helped people to work out many other devices.

  B.It changed Galileo's understanding of the moon.

  C.It was invented with the help of others.

  D.It was improved by his math teacher.


  Gardening is popular in many parts of the world. This outdoor activity gives us sweet flowers, fresh fruit and vegetables. And it also gives us many health benefits.

  Gardening helps reduce loneliness. When you are gardening,you are outdoors. So you can spend some time with your neighbors. Most people love to talk about their hobbies, and gardeners are no different.They usually enjoy showing people what they are growing and sharing stories about their gardens.

  Gardening is a healthy activity for children. It gets families outdoors and off computers, televisions and other electronics. Children can learn about nature and wildlife. Gardening can teach children how to eat healthily and where food comes from. It can also help them understand the limits of natural resource

  (资源) and the importance of using them carefully.

  Also, when you garden, you must move around.All the different movements needed for gardening ——bending, stretching (伸展)and lifting—— have the effect of doing exercise. So you can easily get a good workout .

  Studies found that the elderly could benefit most from gardening because they may have a much lower chance of getting brain disease. Activities such as gardening use many repeated actions. These actions have a calming effect on the brain. The brain is still active but not in the same way as when we use computers.

  In our technology-filled lives, gardening offers a chance to relax. Growing flowers, even in a couple

  of pots at your city home, connects you to nature and pleases all of your sense's.

  ( )51.When gardening, people can reduce their loneliness by

  A.showing off their skills B. thinking about stories of gardens

  C. helping others give up bad hobbies D. spending time with their neighbors

  ( )52.Gardening can help children to

  A. play with wild animals B. live outdoors with their family

  C. get away from electronic devices D.learn various ways of cooking

  ( )53.What does the underlined word "workout" in Paragraph 4 probably mean?

  A.Rest. B. Physical exercise.

  C.Job. D.Gardening skill.

  ( )54.From Paragraph 5,we know that gardening

  A. helps the brain calm down B. needs few repeated actions

  C. connects the elderly with nature D.makes the brain work as computers do

  ( )55.In which section of a magazine can we probably find this passage?

  A.Technology. B.Education. C. Health, D.Economy.




  All day long, the radio stations played Dr. Martin Luther King Jr's famous speech. It 56(make) on the steps of the Lincoln Memorial 57 August 28,1963"I have a dream … "was broadcast over and over again. Five-year-old Daria asked her father 58 it meant. Before the father could answer, her elder sister, Anna,jumped into the conversation.

  "We have studied about Dr.King at school. Our teacher says that he helped our country realize that it is wrong 59(treat) people differently because of the color of 60(they) skins. Do you remember all your 61(dream) about things you want to come true, Daria? Well, Dr. King had a dream that some day all people would be treated 62(equal)"

  Anna's father took her in his arms. He said,"The world 63(be) very different when I grew up. Girls, People like Dr. King have made this country 64 fairer place. I hope it will be even 65(good) for you in the future."



  66. (沿着这条街走五分钟), and you will see the cinema.

  67.Running is (我最喜爱的体育运动).

  68.To our surprise, (他没有参加本次会议)

  69. (我认为有必要)to discuss the matter in class.

  70. (天气很冷) in winter here.

  VI. 应用写作(1小题,共10分)

  71. 【写作内容】你是班长李华.刚接到学校电话通知,下周一全体学生要去博物馆参观,原定的班 会将推迟召开.请用英语给外国交换生 (exchange student)Tom写一张留言条告知此事,并请Tom




  2021年广东省高等职业院校招收中等职业学校毕业生考试 英语(参考答案)


  1.A。 根据题意,男士说“抱歉我来晚了”,选项A 表示“没关系”,选项B 表示“不客气”,选项C 表

  示“加油”,选项D 表示“天哪”。因此选A。

  2.B。 根据题意,女士问“我可以和鲍勃讲话吗?”,是电话用语,选项A 表示“是的,你是对的”; 选项B 表示“是的,我是鲍勃”;选项C 表示“是的,我很好”;选项D 表示“是的,他是鲍勃”,因

  此B 项符合题意。

  3.A。 根据题意,男士问“苏珊,你可以给我看看这些照片吗?”。 A 选项表示“当然可以”, B 选项

  表示“谢谢”, C 选项表示“就这样吧”, D 选项表示“继续”,因此选A。

  4.A。 根据题意,女士回答“我想买一条裙子”,可知她在购物,A 项表示“我可以为你做点什么吗?”, 这是购物时服务人员的常用语; B 项“你过得怎么样?”; C 项“你怎么了?”;D 项“发生什么事情


  5.C。女士说“我昨天早上打电话给你了,但是没有人接”,A 项表示“没关系”;B 项表示“不要担心”;

  C 项表示“很抱歉”; D 项表示“别着急”。此处应选择C 项表示歉意

  Ⅱ 词汇与语法

  Section A


  7.A。 短语get married表示“结婚”。该句意为:当约翰25岁时,他买了一套房子而且结了婚。

  8.D。 此处opposite为介词,常与to连用表示“在……对面”。该句意为:当莫莉八岁时,海伦住进了她对面的那个房子。

  9.C。afraid为形容词,常见搭配为 be afraid of。由前半句“格林太太经常旅游”以及连词and 可知后半句表示她不害怕乘坐飞机。该句意为:格林太太经常旅游,她不害怕坐飞机。


  11.B。 短语come about表示“发生”。该句意为:这辆车是怎么样掉进河里的。

  12.C。persuade为动词,常用搭配有persuade sb.to do sth., 表示“说服某人做某事”。该句意为:没有人可以说服她改变主意。

  13.A。signal在此处是名词,表示“信号,标志,预示”。该句意为: 红灯是危险的信号。

  14.B。 短语break out表示“(战争、战斗或疾病)爆发”。该句意为:第一次世界大战在1914年爆发。


  Section B

  16.B。 本题考查介词短语的用法。 on holiday 为固定搭配表示度假,该句意为:约翰正在法国度假。         17.C。 本题考查不定代词的用法。 either表示“两者之一”; both表示“两者都”;neither表示“两者都 不”; none 表示“(三者或三者以上)没有人”。根据题意,我问了两个人怎么去火车站,根据连词 but可知这两个人都不知道,故选C。 该句意为:我问了两个人怎么去火车站,但是他们都不知道。 18.D。 本题考查定冠词的用法。 banana为前文提过的事物,此处应用表示特指的定冠词the, 故选D。 该句意为:我有一根香蕉和一个苹果,我把那根香蕉给了玛丽。

  19.B。 本题考查反意疑问句。以Let's (听者包括在内)开头的祈使句,表示建议时,疑问部分用shall we。因此选B。 该句意为:我们现在开始工作,好吗?

  20.C。 本题考查固定搭配。 such为形容词,修饰名词,常见搭配为“such+a/an+ 形容词+名词”; so 为副词,修饰形容词,常见搭配为“so+ 形容词+a/an+ 名词”。该句意为:我已经有很长一段时间没有见到她了。

  21.A。 本题考查介词短语搭配。 beyond one's ability表示“超出某人的能力范围”。该句意为:这个问题超出了我的能力范围。

  22.D。 本题考查固定句式。 It's time for sb.to do sth.表示“某人是时候该做某事”,选D。 该句意为:他是时候该睡觉了。

  23.C。 本题考查动词时态。题干中的since表示“自从”,常与现在完成时态连用,故选C。 该句意为:从他孩提时他就一直住在伦敦。

  24.D。 本题考查非限制性定语从句。 that在定语从句中可以指代人或物, who 在定语从句中只能指 代人,而which 只可以指代事物或前面整个句子, what不能引导定语从句,故选D。 该句意为: 彼得不能来参加派对了,这让我们很失望。

  25.B。 本题考查动词语态。name after 表示“以……来命名”,题目中的“婴儿”是被命名,因此用被


  I 完型填空

  26.C。forget表示“忘记”,meet 表示“遇见”, guess表示“猜测”, discuss表示“讨论”,根据probably可知此处应填入guess。 该句意为:你也许可以猜测到。

  27.A。order food表示“订餐,点餐”。根据上下文,作者刚到中国,语言不通,所以一些简单的任 务也很难完成,这里填入order符合题意。该句意为: 一些简单的任务如点餐和乘坐出租车让我感到很有压力。

  28.B。interesting表示“有趣的”,stressful表示“紧张的,有压力的”, important表示“重要的”,useful 表示“有用的”,根据上下文,此处应填入stressful。该句意为: 一些简单的任务如点餐和乘坐出租车让我感到很有压力。

  29.D。 根据前文,作者想学习中文因此报了汉语的课程,所以此处填入teacher (老师)符合题意。该句意为:尽管我的老师对我学习很有帮助,我还是说不了完整的对话。

  30.A。slow 表示“缓慢的”,certain表示“确定的”,satisfying表示“令人满意的”,endless表示“无数 的”。根据上下文的转折关系but以及still, 可知此处应填入slow。 该句意为:我也自学,但是我的进步还是很缓慢。

  31.B。hopefully表示“有希望地,但愿”,finally表示“最后,终于”, usually表示“通常”, helpfully 表示“有用地”,该句意为:最终,我发现学习中文的最好的方法是与当地中国人做朋友并且和他们待在一起。

  32.A。part表示“部分”, chance表示“机会”,result表示“结果”,way 表示“方法”,此处表示“学习中文的方法”,故选A。

  33.C。hurt表示“伤害”, introduce表示“介绍”, meet表示“遇见”, save表示“拯救,节省”。该句意为:大约在这个时候,我在音乐协会遇见了一位中国女士。

  34.A。 根据上下文可知,她教给我很多关于音乐的词语,因此此处填words。

  35.D。in order表示“整齐”, in public表示“公开地”, as usual表示“像往常一样”, as well表示“也,又”。该句意为:而她也从我身上学到了英语。

  36.A。exchange表示“交流,交换”, use表示“使用”, form表示“形式”, material表示“材料”。该句意为:这是一种良好的语言和文化交流。

  37.B。know of表示“知道,了解”,carry out表示“实施,执行”,give out表示“散发,宣布”,think of表示“想到”。该句意为:我已经学会用中文来完成一些任务了。

  38.C。 由后文的complicated和 still可知对于一些复杂的任务还是比较困难,因此此处为转折关系。该句意为:然而, 一些复杂的任务,如去银行或者其他需要用到术语的活动对于我来说还是比较困难。


  40.C。choose表示“选择”,spell表示“拼写”, learn表示“学习”,write表示“书写”,根据上下文,可


  IV 阅读理解

  A 篇


  绍信等方式, 一步步走近学生的生活。

  41.A。 推断题,文章的第一段讲述的是作者通过几种方式来了解自己的学生。

  42.D。 细节题,根据关键词parent questionnaire定位到文章的第二段的第二句。作者认为问卷有助


  43.C。 细节题, 根据letter of self-introduction定位到文章的第三段,这一封信是学生的第一份家庭


  44.B。 细节题,根据getting-to know-you activities定位到文章的最后一段,原文说这个活动持续一

  整年 (a whole year), 对应选项中的12个月(twelve months), 故选B。

  45.B。 主旨大意题,本文主要讲述了作者作为一名工作多年的老师如何了解自己学生的过程。




  46.A。 细节题,从文中第一段的第四句可知,伽利略对数学感兴趣。


       48.D。细节题,根据device一词定位到文中第二段的最后一句,这是一种可以用来测量土地的装置。 49.C。 细节题,定位到文中第三段的第一句,他得知一位荷兰发明家发明了一种叫做spyglass (小望远镜)的东西,伽利略决定自己做一个。

  50.B。 细节题,定位到文中第三段的最后一句,伽利略发现月球不是光滑的,月球上布满了小山和







  53.B。 猜词题,定位到文中第四段,段落前文说“当你在花园里时,你必须四处走动。园艺所需要的所有不同的动作包括弯曲、伸展(伸展)举重等也有锻炼身体的效果”,通过前文可以判断出园艺有助于身体锻炼,故选B。



  V 语法填空

  本文讲述了一个家庭围绕马丁 ·路德 ·金博士的著名演讲展开了讨论的故事。五岁的Daria问她父亲, 这个演讲是什么意思。她的父亲还没来得及回答,她的姐姐Anna 解释说,马丁 ·路德 ·金博士帮助我 们的国家认识到:因为人们的肤色不同而区别对待是错误的。 Daria的父亲也补充说:世界将会变得非常不同,像金博士这样的人让这个国家变得更加公平。

  56.was made。 考查动词。句意:它是1963年8月28日在林肯纪念堂的台阶上制作的,“我有一个梦想…… ”被一遍又一遍地播放。本句的主语it指代前文提到的speech(演讲),speech 与动词make是被动关系,且全文的时态为一般过去时,故填was made。


  58.what。 考查疑问代词。句意:五岁的Daria问父亲这是什么意思,父亲还没来得及回答,她的姐 姐Anna 就插嘴了。此处考查宾语从句中的疑问代词,在宾语从句中, what意为“什么”,可以指代事物。

  59.to treat。考查非谓语动词。本题考查常用的主语从句句型: It is+adj.+to do sth.。在这个句型中,句子的真正主语常用动词不定式表达。

  60.their。考查代词。形容词性物主代词在句子中只能作定语,与形容词作用相同, 一般放在名词前, 表示所属关系。在本题中, skin是名词,意为“皮肤”,前面缺一个定语,故将they改成their,表示

  所属关系: their skin (他们的皮肤)。

  61.dreams。 考查名词。句意: Daria, 你还记得你所有的梦想吗? dream是可数名词,前面有不定代

  词all (所有的)修饰,故这里需用dream 的复数形式dreams。

  62.equally。 考查副词。句意:金博士梦想有一天所有人都能得到平等地对待。空格前面的treated


  63.would be。考查时态。句意:当我长大后,世界会变得非常不同。本文的基本时态为一般过去时, 她父亲说这句话的时候是在过去某个时间点对未来的憧憬。故这里需用过去将来时。过去将来时表





  even 用在这里表示加强语气,故填入形容词的比较级更加符合文意。

  VI 完成句子

  66.Go along/down the street for five minutes。本题适用祈使句。 go along与 go down两个动词短语皆可,选其中之一即可。

  67.my favorite sport。 本题需注意 favorite的拼写。

  68.he didn't attend/take part in/participate in the meeting。“参加”可用多种形式表达,但需注意搭配和拼写。

  69.I think it is necessary。 本题考查宾语从句和常用的主语从句句型: It is+adj.+to do sth.

  70.It is very cold。本题考查用 it作主语,表示天气。

  VⅡI 应用写作

  Dear Tom,

  I just got a phone message from our school. All the students are going to visit the museum next Monday. Therefore, the scheduled class meeting will be put off. Please tell the other exchange students about it.

  That's all. Thank you!

  Li Hua

