


  英 语



  1. 答卷前,考生务必用黑色字迹的钢笔或签字笔将自己的姓名和考生号、考场号、座位号填写在答题卡上。

  用 2B 铅笔将试卷类型(A)填涂在答题卡相应位置上。将条形码横贴在答题卡右上角“条形码粘贴处”。

  2. 选择题每小题选出答案后,用2B 铅笔把答题卡上对应题目选项的答案信息点涂黑:如需改动,用橡皮擦干


  3. 非选择题必须用黑色字迹的钢笔或签字笔作答,答案必须写在答题卡各题目指定区域内相应位置上:如需改


  4. 考生必须保持答题卡的整洁。考试结束后,将试卷和答题卡一并交回。


  例 :M:How's everything going?

  W:Fine,thanks. How are you doing?


  A.I'm. 16 B.Yes, it is good C.See you then D.Oh,not too bad

  答 案 是D。

  ( ) 1.M—Shall I carry your baggage to your room?


  A.No.thanks B. Don' t wory C.Good luck D.Let's go

  ( )

  ( )

  ( )

  ( )

  2.M--Oh.it's late.

  W—OK.let's meet some other time.

  A.I hope so B.I agree C.I must leave now D.Idon’t know

  3.W—-You have a beautiful garden

  M- .I spent a lot of time on it.

  A.Help yourself. B.Take it easy. C.Of course nol D.Thank you

  4.W—-Excuse me. Could you tell me how can I get to the Ucean park?


  A.Don't ask me. B.Sorry, I am a stranger here. C.This way please D.I have no idea

  5.M--I think that you are wasted of time in the course.


  A.I suppose so. B.I don't think so. C. I hope not. D.I am afraid not.

  Ⅱ .词汇与语法(20小题,共40分)

  A)从 A、B、C、D 中选出句中画线的单词或词组的意义。

  例:We had enough time to do the work.

  A.很短的 B.一半的 C.很长的 D.足够的

  ( ) 6.Be patient !You should listen to what he is speaking first.

  A耐心 B.专心 C.细心 D.放松

  ( ) 7.Such a great change happened in the town that I didn't recognize it.

  A.印象 B.记住 C.识别 D.认出

  ( ) 8.Jane exercises every day and she is always full of energy.

  A勇气 B.信心 C.精力 D.热情

  ( ) 9.Lots of writers used to translate the foreign novels in their early career.

  A.打印 B.翻译 C.出版 D.编撰

  ( ) 10.We all know the benefits of protecting the environment.

  A.益处 B.意义 C.优点 D.目的

  ( 11.Listening to light music helps us to relax. A.高兴 B.激动 C.放松 D.自如

  ( ) 12.1 by accident met my teacher in the street yesterday.

  A.事故 B.偶然 C.意外


  ( ) 13.He finally realized his dream of becoming a pianist.

  A.实现 B.追寻 C.分享 D.热爱

  ( ) 14.The injured people were taken to hospital immediately after the disaster.

  A定期地 B.立刻地 C.频繁地 D.专门地

  ( ) 15.The car was out of control and hit a tree by the road.

  A发动 B.抛锚 C.失控


  B)从A、I、C、D 中选出可以填入空白处的最佳答案。

  例: It me a long time to finish my homework last night.

  A.take B.took C.has taken D.had taken


  ( ) 16.Jane was made the truck for a week as a punishment.

  A.to wash B.washing C.wash

  D.to be washing

  ( ) 17.Such books are not worth at all

  A.to read B.being read


  D.to be read

  ( ) 18.Someone is ringing the doorbell.Go and see

  A.who is she B.who it is C.it is who D.he is who

  ( ) 19.A Tale of Two Cities my favorite English novel.

  A.be B.am C.are D.is

  ( ) 20.His mother told him back home too late.

  A.not to come B.doesn't come C. to not come D.don't come

  ( ) 21.These books for middle school students.

  A.writing B.were writing C.written D.were written

  ( ) 22.The number of students taking the music class now.

  A.are rising B.is rising C.rose D.rise

  ( )23.Which color do you like. red or green?

  A.good B.better C.best D.well

  ( ) 24.The playground we play football is very small.

  A.why B.when C.which D.where

  ( ) 25.You've just had lunch surely you be hungry.

  A.mustn’t B.needn’t C.haven’t D.can’t

  Ⅲ .完形填空(15小题,共30分)


  Christy,a 34-year-old sea protection scientist, never knew that an eight-minute video would make a difference to the entire world.In August 2015, she 26 a sea turtle with a plastic straw blocking its nose.Feeling 27 and shocked at the great discomfort to the turtle. Christy 28 her research team taking away the straw. Blood came out slowly from the turtle's 29-

 _The 30 video has attached more than 32 million hits on the Internet.“I can really show how 31 a plastic straw

  can be.”she says. Americans 32 as many as 390 million plastic straws a day. Just a small part of them ending in

  the sea but they may 33 sea animals. Though Christy's 34 i s three years old, today it 35. to attract

  people and win more 36 In July this year, many famous companies promise to 37 using plastic straws step

  by step.”We can all do something to end of plastic,”Christy says.

  Apart from doing research on 38 the sea, Christy spends her time visiting schools t o 39 young people.“I

  want to tell them that they can be 40 like me and fix the plastic problem in a scientific way.”Christy says.

  ( ) 26.A.hurt B.found C.brought D.sold

  ( ) 27.Angry B.encouraged C.hopeless D.excited

  ( ) 28.A.permitted B.imagined C.remembered D.filmed

  ( ) 29.A.mouth B.ear C. nose D.eye

  ( ) 30.A.interesting B. heartbreaking C.relaxing D.boring

  ( ) 31.A.helpful B.expensive C.harmful D.different

  ( )32.A.use B.receive C.store D.buy

  ( )33.A.feed B.save C.attract D.kill

  ( )34.A.photo B.video C.cartoon D.show

  ( )35.A.continues B.begins C.decides D.learns

  ( )36.A.victory B.support C.games D.chances

  ( )37.A.stop B.allow C.risk D.practise

  ( )38.A.crossing B.describing C.protecting D.destroying

  ( )39.A.compare B.join in C.follow D.educate

  ( )40.A.scientists B.customers C.teachers D.workers





  The Browns have never been rich enough to spend their summer holidays in a comfortable and expensive place. But they

  had always dreamed of such a holiday.This year Mr Brown made a lot of money and his wife said that she would like to go Rome

  for a change. Mr. Brown, thought it was a good idea. His said they should stay at a really good hotel during their stay in this famous city. They went to Rome by plane, and arrived at their hotel late in the evening. They expected that they would have to go to bed hungrily because no meals were served in cheap hotels where they used to stay. They were therefore surprised when

  the waiter asked whether they would be taking dinner there at night.

  Are you still serving dinner now? asked Mrs. Brown.“Certainly. madam”,answered the waiter.“We Serve it until

  half past nine.”

  What are the times for a meals then”asked Mrs.Brown

  “We serve breakfast from seven to half past eleven in the morning, lunch from twelve to three, tea from four to five and

  dinner from six to half past nine.”

  “But that hardly leaves any time for us to see the sights of Rome!' said Mrs. Brown in a disappointed voice.


  41.The Browms to spend their summer holidays in a comfortable and expensive place.

  A. didn't have enough money

  B.had enough money

  C. were rich enough

  D. were poor enough

  42.Mrs.Browns had an expensive trip because

  A.get part time job

  B.earn a lot of money this year

  C.borrow from parents

  D.borrow from friends

  43.Mrs.Brown would like to

  A.choose Rome for a visit

  B.set up home in Rome

  C.go to Rome to learn Italian

  D.fly to Rome to see her friends

  44.On the first evening in Rome they didn't expect that

  A.they had to suffer from hunger

  B.they had a bad plan for the night

  C.the hotel would serve dinner at night

  D.the hotel was comfortable and expensive

  45.Mrs.Brown felt disappointed because she thought they would

  A.have litle time to visit cheap hotels

  B.have too much time for shopping

  C.have no time to see their friends

  D.have little time for sightseeing


  Eating is usually a group activity.Different groups develop their own food preferences( 偏 好 ) .We can even tell which group of people a person belongs to from his food choice.And these food choices are passed on from parents to their children

  when the children grow up,they fell most comfortable with the food they have in their own homes.

  Food choices have little to do with hunger.You may eat what your friends eat.You may use food to identify yourself as a member of a group.Some people order the most expensive dishes on a man,just to show that they can afford them.Expensive food,like an expensive car,can help to make some people feel important.Low-cost menu choices may be just as good dishes.Your feelings and your appetite work together.You may overeat when you are or they may eat very litle.You may overeat when you are worried or lonely.People sometimes eat when they feel unsafe or think that no one likes them or they may eat to calm themselves. Feeling may also cause under-eating. People who feel sad may eat very litle. They regard themselves as heavier than they really are or they think being thin is beautiful.Many people worry so much about being too heavy that they

  don't eat enough.They may become weak or even sick from not having enough food.

  ( ) 46.We can know from Paragraph 1 that ,

  A.people play games while eating

  C.members of a certain group like similar foods

  B.eating is a kind of game played in a group.

  D.members of a certain group always eat together

  ( ) 47.Some people order the most expensive dishes on a menu because

  A.there are no cheap ones B.expensive dishes are popular

  C.they want to show they are rich D.they want to treat their friends better

  ( )48.People may eat little when they feel



  49.What can we learn from the passage?

  A.Different people have different food choices.

  C.People like those who overeat.



  B.Most people have similar food choices.

  D.We should eat less to be thin.

  ( ) 50.In which section of a newspaper may this passage appear?






  Animals, including insects, do not have a language like ours. They do not talk to each other in words and sentences. But if we watch them we can see that they do have ways of communicating with each other. Have you ever seen a rabbit' s tail which is moving up and down? When rabbits see this white tail moving up and down, they run too. They know that there is danger.

  The rabbit has told them something without making a sound and done this by using its body language.

  Many other animals use this kind of language. When a cobra is angry, it raises its head and makes itself look fierce. This warns other animals. When a bee has found some food it goes back to its home. It cannot tell the other bees where the food is

  by speaking to them, but it does a little dance in the air. This tells the bees where the food is.

  Some animals say things by making sounds. A dog barks, for example, when a stranger comes near. A cat purs when pleased. Some birds make several different sounds,each with its own meaning Sometimes we human beings speak in the same way. We make sounds like “Oh”or”Ah!”when we are frightened or pleased or when we drop something on our toes.

  But we have something that no animals have-a large number of words that have the meanings of things. actions, feelings or ideas. We are able to give each other all kinds of different information in words and sentences, which no other animals can do.No other animals have so wonderful a language as we have.

  ( ) 51.What can we learn from Paragraph1?

  A.Animals are able to communicate

  B.Animals understand people's work

  C.Animals make different sounds

  D.Animals can speak a language

  ( ) 52.If a rabbit is moving its tail up and down,other rabbits will

  A.lie down C.move on

  B.shout loudly D.escape quickly

  ( ) 53. When a snake rises, it wants to

  A.tell where the safe place is

  B.give other animals a warning

  C.fight against other animals

  D.run away from the dangerous place

  ( ) 54.Which often following is not true according to the passage?

  A.Animals don't have a language like ours. C.Some animals can make sounds.

  B.A cobra shows his anger by body language. D.Man is unlucky because of their language.

  ( ) 55.What is the best title for the passage?

  A.Sounds of Different Animals

  B.Animals and their Languages

  C.Human Beings and their Languages

  D.Similarities between Human Beings and An




  An old gentleman was very unhappy about modern education. In his opinion, young people nowadays were not being

  taught the. 56 (important) of knowing the difference between right and wrong.

  One day he was taking a walk in the park near his home when he saw some young boys 57 (stand) around a small cat.

  The old gentleman went up 58 the boys and asked them 59 was happening. One of the boys said to him," we' re having

  a contest.we' re telling. 60 (lie),and the one who tells the61 .(big)lie gets to keep the cat.

  The old gentleman 62think) that this was a good opportunity to teach the boys a 63 (use) lesson. so he said to them, “I've never told a lie in 64 (1) life.”All at once there was 65 great shout from all the boys, and they said,”You’ve

  won! You can take the cat!”



  66.Some students are interested in music and . (另一些学生喜欢踢足球)

  67.Is this your wedding ring,Marry? I find it . (今天早上打扫房间的时候)

  68.He wants to know . (我们明天能否完成)

  69.Ralph Wang Emerson would always write down . (他突然想到新的主意)

  70.Since he is the best student in our class, . (让他去参加比赛吧)


  71. 【写作内容】请你代表校学生会 (Student Union)用英文给你校学生写一则讲座通知,内容包括:主讲






  一 .补全对话



  6- 10 ADCBA 11- 15 CDABC16-20 ACBDA21-25 DBBDB


  26-30 BAACB 31-35 CADBA 36-40 BACDA


  41-45 ABAAD 46-50CCDAB51-55 ADBDB




  66.others like playing football

  67.when I was cleaning the room this morning

  68.whether we can finish the work tomorrow

  69.the ideas which/that occurred to him

  70.let him take part in the competition


  Dear students

  On behalf of our school' s Students Union, I am writing to inform all of us students that there will be a speech with a theme of Campus Violence by Professor Lin. What' s more, the speech will be held at 5 p.m. on Friday in the meeting hall.Thus, all of the students ought to attend the speech on time and wear school uniforms as well. If you can' t be present, please ask your class teachers for a leave in advance.

  Yours sincerely.
